Cyclists and the new by-pass
A question was raised by a resident as to whether or not there would be provision for cyclists on the new by-pass. The Clerk pursued this with Kier and they responded as follows: – “Cyclists …
A question was raised by a resident as to whether or not there would be provision for cyclists on the new by-pass. The Clerk pursued this with Kier and they responded as follows: – “Cyclists …
We can all work together to help reduce the incidents of speeding vehicles through our parish. Any member of the public is now encouraged by the Police to forward information on speeding, vehicle registration numbers …
Singleton Parish Council SPEED INDICATOR DEVICES (SID) Introduction As reported in previous Minutes of the Parish Council, there is as plan to install two more posts for use of a SID. There are of the …
Lancashire County Council is conducting a Lancashire wide travel survey until 24 October 2023 to help shape future plans for cycling and walking in Lancashire. Lancashire County Council, in partnership with Blackpool Council, wants to …