Singleton Parish Council

Annual Parish Meeting

This year’s Annual Parish Meeting was held at Singleton Village Hall on Tuesday 21 May 2024, commencing at 7.00pm. The draft minutes from the previous  meeting can be viewed below.



A red flower with green leaves

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Held at Singleton Village Hall, 16 May 2023


  1.    Attendance: – Cllrs Lee (Chair), Bailey (Vice-Chair), Cholmondeley, Clifford and Ibbotson and the Clerk Verena Henderson who took the Minutes.  
2.Apologies – None  
3.Minutes of the Previous Annual Parish Meeting held on 4 October 2022 The Minutes, having been previously circulated, were agreed as a true and correct record and duly signed by the Chairman.  
4.Chairman’s Report   Cllr Lee thanked all members of the Parish Council for their continued support during what has been another busy year.    Works and disruptions on the new by-pass had dominated matters this year once again and it is hoped that the works will conclude in the coming year. Thanks were expressed to County Councillor John Singleton who has liaised both with Kier and Lancashire County Council on the Parish Council’s behalf to sort out issues surrounding the roadworks and other highway problems.  His work has been much appreciated by the Parish Council.   Speeding motorists continue to be monitored through the village and the use of data provided by the SpID machines has shown that most of the traffic has slowed down somewhat since the introduction of the 20mph speed limit.  There are, of course, some motorists who continue to speed and the Parish Council is looking at increasing the use of SpID machines in the future.   The main project for the coming year for the Parish Council will be the construction of a Village Green in the village.  To this end, the Parish Council will be working with both The Singleton Trust and Fylde Borough Council.    It is hoped that progress on starting this project will be made in the coming year.  Fylde Borough Council will be helping with the design and planning process.    
5.Financial Report from the Clerk   The Clerk distributed copies of the end-of-year accounts for the financial year 2022/2023.  This showed that the total income was £26,485 and total expenditure was £25,671.  With bank reserves of £41,635 the amount carried forward to 2023/24 was £42,449.  A full copy of the accounts is annexed to these Minutes.   The main expenditure was as follows: – Grass-cutting contract … … … … … … … … 6,303 Playground maintenance to Fylde BC .. … … 3,739 Clerk’s wages     … … … … … … … … … … 3,825 Litter-picking and new Euro bin … … … … … 5,616 New plants, tubs, trees, general maintenance 2,114 New noticeboard outside Village Hall … … …    821 Insurance  … … … … … … … … … … … …    866   The Parish Council has invested a lot this year in trying to tackle the menace of litter which is a problem throughout the parish.  The hours the litter-picker works have been increased and a large litterbin has been leased from Fylde Borough Council, which is emptied every fortnight.  Singleton Trust contributes half of the fees for all this, and the Parish Council is very grateful for this support.    The Parish Council has also invested in new planting tubs throughout the parish – 24 in all and has contracted a new handyperson who is responsible for planting the tubs and general maintenance issues which occur.  A new noticeboard to replace the damaged one at the Village Hall has been purchased and another one will shortly be purchased to replace the one at the end of Pool Foot Lane.   The Clerk was thanked for her report.  
6.   Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2023/2024   Cllr Bailey proposed Cllr Christine Ibbotson for Chair.  This was seconded by Cllr Lee and Agreed. Cllr Bailey proposed Cllr Robert Cholmondeley for Vice-Chair.  This was seconded by Cllr Lee and Agreed. Cllrs Ibbotson and Cholmondeley accepted their new positions.  
7.Review of Salaries and Contract fees   It had previously been agreed to review the litter-picker’s hourly rate in the Spring 2023.  Cllr Lee suggested an increase of £1 to an hourly rate of £12. This rise was particularly in view of the current financial situation.  Cllr Clifford seconded this proposal, and it was Agreed.   The Groundsman had also asked for a 7.5% rise in his fees.  He had not put in a request for a pay-rise for several years and Cllr Cholmondeley proposed that this increase be accepted, and Cllr Ibbotson seconded this proposal.  This was Agreed.   As regards the Clerk’s salary, this is now linked to Fylde Borough Council’s pay scales and will rise at such time as there is an increase in their pay.  
8.Any Questions from the Public – None   As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 7.25pm.  

Verena Henderson

Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Singleton Parish Council


Tel: 07530 605 291


End-of-Year Accounts for 2022/2023

Balances brought forward –

Community Direct Plus Account                                                                  21,986

14-day Business Select Account                                                                 19,649


Plus receipts –               Parish Council Precept                     23,485

                                      Reclaimed VAT                                 2,017

                                      Donation from Trust                             489

                                      LCC for grass-cutting                           468

                                      Interest on bank account                        26                                   26,485


Less payments –           Clerk’s wages                                   3,825

                                      Admin expenses                                  719

                                      Insurance                                             866

                                      Rent                                                    148

                                      Newsletters/Xmas cards                       327

                                      Playground Maintenance                   3,739

                                      Grass-cutting contract                       6,303

                                      Plants/tubs/trees/maintenance           2,114

                                      Litter-picking/Euro bin                       5,616

                                      Defib expenses                                    244

                                      Thank you’s                                         105

                                      Data Protection                                      40

                                      New Noticeboard                                 821

                                      New Laptop                                         479                                

Coronation mugs                                 295

                                      Electrical wiring for Xmas tree            30                                  25,671

Total Carried Forward to 2023/2024                                                                              £42,449

Verena Henderson,

Responsible Financial Officer

Singleton Parish Council

8 May 2023