SINGLETON Parish Council is backing district council efforts to remove travellers from land recently occupied at Hardhorn without planning permission.
Following its meeting on Thursday, 12th November, the parish council is sending a letter to Fylde Borough Council (FBC) to ‘strongly object’ to the ‘misuse of agricultural land’ just outside the parish boundary.
Councillors wondered whether the pitches created by the travellers might have been supported under Government edicts to allow for travellers. But Cllr Maxine Chew, who is also a Fylde borough councillor, said FBC had already fulfilled its quotient and now needed to provide only one more pitch, and that was for travelling showpeople, not travellers.
Fylde and Wyre borough councils have been meeting to discuss the issue.
Garage houses
THE parish council had no objection to Singleton Garage’s proposal to build two detached houses on its site, if it were to be demolished. This new application replaced an older outline planning permission featuring two detached houses of a different design. Councillors felt the new design was in keeping with the nature of The Village and cottages nearby.
Lodge Lane layby
PARISH council efforts to limit the problems at the layby intensified when posts with ‘Private Land – No Trespassing’ notices were uprooted recently.
Vice-chairman Cllr Bob Gallagher, who is managing director of the local electrical firm supplying the signs and the labour for erecting them, has re-embedded stronger posts, this time in concrete. Also, chain-link fencing is to be erected by the landowner.
Links with Singleton Trust
COUNCILLORS warmly welcomed the presence of John Highton, one of Singleton Trust’s trustees, at the council meeting. The council has long wanted links with the trust, and John’s attendance at the meeting followed discussions at the trust’s recent village hall meeting. He said there were many issues where the trust might be able to provide funding which would otherwise be lacking.
Singleton Parish Council is committed to to producing a parish plan, and hopes its efforts will mesh with trust interests. Chairman Clive Barnden said the ideal situation would be to have an umbrella community group which included representatives from all local organisations as well as the trust and parish council.
Christmas trees and lights
VICE-CHAIRMAN Bob Gallagher, managing director of electical firm PEI-Delta Ltd, based at Poulton Industrial Estate, is to install the cabling and lights for two Christmas trees outside the village hall, one on either side of the entrance path. The trees are being donated by The Koi Pool, and are to be installed by the beginning of December. Singleton Parish Council will be making a donation to the village hall committee for the electricity used.
Best-kept garden competition
SINGLETON Parish Council is organising a garden competition for next year’s church 150th anniversary celebrations and hopes it will become an annual event. There are to be four categories – best large garden, best small garden, best hanging basket, and best children’s patch. Gardening vouchers as well as trophies will be presented to the winners.
Other issues
Other topics raised at the November meeting:
- – COUNCILLORSÂ warmly thanked Cllr Bob Gallagher for his organisation of the resurfacing of the entrance to the village hall car-park. Councillors felt the contractors did an excellent job cost-effectively.
- – COUNCILLORS welcomed Sarah Barrett’s production of the November/December Singleton Newsletter, which has been printed by the school, and is being distributed through the usual volunteers. Singleton Trust intends to produce the newsletter monthly. Councillors would now like to know when the next editorial deadline will be.
- – THE parish council is producing its own Christmas Cards using Marjorie Smith’s portrayal of a snowed-in Station Road. More details – and a photo – later.
- – THE parish council is allowing an open forum session for members of the public to raise issues. The session will be on the agenda for December’s and subsequent meetings.
- – Next meeting: Thursday, 10th December, from 7.30pm in the church vestry, as usual.