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- Resuscitation Training EventsThe Parish Council has arranged two more resuscitation training events to be held at Singleton Village Hall. Even if you have done the training before, it is recommended that you refresh the training every three years. The training will be done by a Resuscitation Trainer from the North-West Ambulance Service and will last up to …
- Reporting Highway problemsLancashire County Council has confirmed that any highway issue must be reported using their “Love Clean Streets” system. We all get annoyed at the number of pot-holes these days. You can use the reporting system on a computer or the mobile App with full details of the issue from the menu. Any resident can submit …
- Police Incidents in the parishTwo reports have been received today about two cars in the driveways of houses on Mains Lane being broken into and ransacked. It appears that youths have been in the area at 2 am on two consecutive nights this week and seem to be on a mission to break into cars. Please ensure that your …
- New Defibrillator at the Village HallThe Parish Council is pleased to announce that it has recently been successful in securing a match-funded brand new defibrillator, which has replaced the older one at the Village Hall in Singleton. This has now been fitted and registered with the NHS. Defibrillators need to have their pads and batteries regularly checked and replaced and …