Singleton Parish Council

Minutes from Parish Council Meeting 21 December 2023


A meeting of the Parish Council held at The Village Hall, Singleton on

Thursday 21 December 2023 at 7.15pm


1.Apologies for Absence RC: Working but arrived by 7:20 (thank you!) Verena Henderson (Clerk – sadly recently bereaved – the Council took a moment to think of her and the family, also thinking of those in the village who have lost family this year)
2.Police Matters Future Village Traffic management / enforcements Chair – proposed we discuss this urgently with the Police. Due to ongoing concerns but especially with the opening of the new bypass which has significantly increased the amount of traffic going through the village. ML: He had a lot more info on proposals and developments that he would pick up on in Item 8. CB: Added that villagers are reporting some issues (ML again would bring this together in Item 8)
3.Meet new Grounds contractor/Final meeting with Andy Pawson The Council welcomed Andy Pawson to the meeting. Andy has been cutting our grassed areas for longer than he can remember. The Chair presented him with a token of appreciation and expressed the thanks of all the Village for his work, also wishing him well in retirement. Andy also thanked the council, didn’t want to single anyone out but – thanked Maxine Chew for all her support when he first started. He introduced John who will be the new grasscutter and wished him all the best. The chair thanked them both and looked forward to the next year.
4.Open Forum – The Council will open the meeting for 15 minutes for any questions from the public Andy Pawson – Asked about the ‘strange’ speed limits down Lodge Lane – between 20 and 60 in a short space of road? CC John Singleton will look into this.
5.Minutes of previous meeting held on 21st Nov 2023 and any matters arising Accepted and signed
6.Declarations of Interest None
7.Planning matters and decisions – None
8.Traffic and Highways Issues ML: took the lead in the concerns about speeding through the village. ML sits on the Police Crime Commissioner Board The local councils have been fighting hard to have the Community Speed Watch programme restarted. Result being 20 mph limits will be monitored by PCSO’s and Community Watch Volunteers. Letters to be sent to offenders and records kept. This is a change in policy and welcomed by all Rural Parishes. The details of this will be developed of coming months and hope that villagers will volunteer and they will be appropriately vetted and trained .
 The Dep Crime Commisioner Andy Pratt is working with LCC to possibly fund some calming measures ML will issue the details this week to villagers, keeping everyone up to date. CC John S said that Elswick and Weeton already have Anti Speeding gps. working . Wrea Green and other rural areas all have issues. He will continue to fight for answers as will Matthew in their wider roles in the County. The volunteer gp will meet independently to the Parish Council, however the liaison will be close. CC JS provided his monthly report – thank you. Over grown vegetation on footpaths passed from LCC to third party contractors. Metal Plates by the railway bridge station rd – have been ‘tempered down’ final repair will be substantial – no date yet. Apology letter from Kier acknowledged and will be distributed. MC: Queried Lodge Lane footpath – previously asked to do online referral to LCC (not Kier) ML: Morecambe Bay Wind Farm developments – Fylde are petitioning at Government level about the disruptions this will cause in the area (onshore mechanisms and buildings) – ongoing- FBC are saying the consultation was flawed Mark Menzies MP will take this up.
9.New Bypass Opening/ next phase? A difficult start to the partial opening of the new road, many opinions. Lots of old and new issues. The Chair, CB & CC JC will be having another meeting with Kier in the new year. Blocking off of Garstang Rd East of the Shell petrol station: -Chair had previously requested to Kier that this was to be substantial so as to block off access to travellers, ‘boy racer’ cars and horses racing with traps. In the first few days of opening it is clear this is not substantial and issues have already arisen. – Ongoing traffic issue through the Village and queues Chair: to monitor and take up with Highways/Kier There was some discussion about the history of the development of the new road, however it is here now and we have to move on. CB thanked for his prolonged and tedious monitoring and challenges over the years. Council requests all those with issues take these up with Highways too – online or telephone (0300123500) please make a note of the log numbers for follow up. ML: Issue with Station Rd and the road sign about a low bridge – it is too small and needs renewing at both sides. The number of large vehicles which get stuck and have to reverse all the way back is making a bad situation worse as people try to avoid queues. CC JS will take this up with LCC and or Kier when and where appropriate Summary (For JS) of the main issues – bypass – Bottlenecks at Shard Rd/Skippool Junction/Windy Harbour/Church Rd Mile Rd – significant increase in through traffic both ways. Footpath Lodge Lane /alterations outside Barnfield and footpath repair between new road and Shell Garage Lodge Lane. Station Rd signage
10.Correspondence None
11.Update from Fylde Borough Council ML: Morecambe Bay Wind Farm developments – Fylde are petitioning at Government level about the disruptions this will cause in the area (onshore mechanisms and buildings) – ongoing- FBC are saying the consultation was flawed Mark Menzies MP will take this up. Many local issues of loss of farmland, huge buildings etc.
12.Village Green ML: New Year for next update CB: Elswick have had 6 acres of land given over for £1 to preserve land for Village purposes. Would be good if we had a benefactor like that!
13.Accounts and any invoices to pay – Christmas Cards, Newsletter, Litter-Picker, Clerk Litter Picker paid to £111 by Chair before Christmas. Total monthly invoice £411.00.  (£300 paid on 10/12/2023) Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Cholmondeley. Agreed. Chair to be reimbursed £111.00. Forsyth and Steel – Xmas Cards- Invoice for £261.60.  Proposed Cllr Lee Seconded Cllr Cholmondeley. Agreed. Forsyth and Steel – Newsletter to accompany Xmas Cards, £83.00. Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Cholmondeley. Agreed. Clerk – Salary + expenses for November/December – £241.13.  Proposed Cllr Ibbotson, Seconded Cllr Clifford. Agreed.  
14.Any Other Business (including any items for the Wish List) Emergency Services not finding an appropriate route – due to new road not on sat nav! Twice in the past week fire engines have gone down Poolfoot Lane – In another case a Blue light Ambulance to hospital with patients on board and to stop to move cones to get through. CC JS who can we notify and rectify this issue, who do we talk to?? Many thanks to Lynsey who stepped in to take minutes.
15.Date and Time of Next Meeting – Tuesday Jan 23rd 2024.

Clerk to Singleton Parish Council: Verena Henderson Tel: 07530 605 291

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