Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on 12 January 2017

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on 12 January 2017

Singleton Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Village Hall, Singleton
on 12 January 2017 at 7.15 pm

Present: – Cllrs Gallagher (Chair), Smith (Vice Chair), Bailey, Chew and Lee, and the Parish Clerk, Verena Henderson, who took the Minutes. County Councillor Paul Hayhurst later joined the meeting.
1. Apologies – none

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting and any Matters Arising

The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 8th December 2016, having been previously circulated, were agreed as a true and correct record. Cllr Chew proposed that they be accepted, this was seconded by Cllr Smith and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

Matters arising

The Clerk had responded to the LCC Parish Champion Newsletter concerning broadband reception, to say that despite improvements in Singleton, the majority of residents still received fewer than 4 mbps.

3. Open Forum – None

4. Declaration of Interests

Cllrs Lee and Gallagher declared a personal interest in planning matter 16/1027, Alasia, Garstang Road, Singleton and took no part in that discussion. Cllr Gallagher also declared a personal interest in planning matter 16/0982, Riverside, Pool Foot Lane Singleton FY6 8LY and did not take part in that discussion either.

5. Planning Matters and Decisions

• 16/0964 – Summerer Farm, Weeton Road, Singleton FY6 8NQ – Retrospective application for formation of new access. The Parish Council had no specific observations and felt this was a matter for Lancashire Highways to comment upon.
• 16/1027 – Alasia, Garstang Road, Singleton, FY6 7SX – New front porch. The Parish Council had no specific observations to make.
• 16/1006 – Land adjacent to 193 Mains Lane, Singleton FY6 7LB. Outline application for up to 9 dwellings. Whilst the Parish Council had no specific observations to make on the buildings, the Council is concerned that building on this site would be putting more traffic onto the A585 and adding to this already congested road, and it is also concerned about creating a new access onto the A585.
• 16/0980 Fenella, Garstang Road, Singleton FY6 7SX – The Council has no specific observations to make.
• 16/0961 Riverside, Pool Foot Lane, Singleton, FY6 8LY – One new residential dwelling. The Parish Council objected to this proposal as it would be against planning policies HL2 and PPF. The River Wyre is part of the Morecambe Bay SSSI protected area and this area is also protected under RAMSAR.
• 16/1031 Larkfield, Lodge Lane, Singleton FY6 8LT – Erection of detached dwelling and detached garage with access. The Parish Council had no specific observations to make.
• 17/0004 Newbrook, Old Mains Lane, Singleton, FY6 7LA – Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of two storey replacement dwelling. Newly listed – no information received as yet.

Notification of Appeal

16/0616 – Rear of Bankfield Farm, Pool Foot Lane, Singleton, FY6 8LZ – Erection of dwellinghouse and detached garage. Appeal has been lodged with Planning Inspectorate. Noted.

6. Police and PACT Report

Cllr Chew met the new CBM and new PCSO recently at the Parish Council meeting in Greenhalgh.

It was noted that the speed vans have been visible often in recent weeks.

7. Traffic and Highway Issues

County Councillor Paul Hayhurst reported that the 20mph limit through the village had at last been set in motion by Cllr John Fillis who had instructed the Head of Highways to proceed. The necessary orders have been signed and it is expected that the work will commence in the next few weeks and will certainly be completed in this financial year.

8. Proposed New By-Pass

Cllrs Bailey and Chew will be meeting with the Community Reference Group, set up by Highways England to discuss the by-pass proposals, on 17 January and will report back to the next Parish Council meeting.

9. Correspondence

• Network Rail had sent information concerning the next stage of work to upgrade the railway between Preston and Blackpool whereby new tracks and drainage works would be carried out in the Poulton and Salwick areas to prepare for an electrified railway from May 2018.
• Agenda and Minutes received from the next District Parish Liaison Meeting to be held at Fylde BC Town Hall on 25 January 2017. Cllr Chew will attend.
• Jackie Swift of the British Geological Survey (BGS) contacted regarding a Community drop-in event to be held at the Boy’s Brigade Training & Conference Centre, Treales on 28 February from 3 – 8.00pm. The BGS has carried out an independent environmental baseline monitoring programme across southern Fylde since April 2015 in regard to proposed fracking works. The results of their surveys will be on display at this event.

Precept for 2017/18

The Clerk distributed workings and details of the current financial position of the Parish Council. Fylde BC had proposed a 1% rise in the precept, but taking into account the drop in the Government Grant from £1045 in 2016/17 to £364 in 2017/18 and the raise in charges for maintenance of the playground (paid directly to Fylde BC), this would mean that overall the Parish Council would receive nearly £600 less than the previous year. The Government’s Grant for 2018/19 would be a final payment of £48 and therefore there would be a further drop in revenue for the following year. The annual precept is the only funding the Parish Council receives for all its expenses.

The Parish Council is currently considering improving the playground, which is proving to be quite costly. It has also recently increased the grass-cutting contract to include two more areas of the parish and is proposing to take steps to reduce fly-tipping and improve the village’s SPID (device for monitoring the speed of vehicles).

After much discussion it was proposed by Cllr Bailey that the annual precept be increased by 4% on the figures for 2016/17. This was seconded by Cllr Smith and unanimously agreed.


The Chairman had contacted Andy Taylor to advise him that he is getting together with the Chair of Singleton Trust to determine what areas of the Parish would be the responsibilities of both the Parish Council and the Trust and he would get back to him to advise. The Chairman has left a message with Keith Walker about this.

12. Possible new equipment for Playground

Cllr Smith had looked at two catalogues and it was agreed that he and Cllr Lee would get together to look at the present equipment and decide if any needed replacing. Cllr Bailey knows of another supplier of good quality equipment and will pass this information on. It was agreed that the new equipment must be of excellent quality and that a sum of approximately £4000 be put aside for the purchase and installation of this. There would also be a further cost if any additional items were added to the maintenance contract of Fylde BC.

13. Fly-tipping

Further discussion about the purchase of a camera to detect fly-tippers. These are priced from about £80 – £100. It was agreed to purchase one and to see how it went. The purchase of signs was also discussed to warn people that CCTV was in operation, which hopefully would dissuade would-by fly-tippers. Any information obtained from the cameras would be passed on to Fylde BC for possible prosecution. It was also stressed that people are responsible for the tipping of their rubbish and it is them who could see themselves prosecuted. They should be encouraged to use a reliable waste removal contractor.

14. Accounts and Cheques to Pay

• T A Pawson – SPID November/December – £60. Proposed Cllr Gallagher, Seconded Cllr Lee. Agreed.
• T A Pawson – SPID December/January – £60. Proposed Cllr Smith, Seconded Cllr Lee. Agreed.
• Clerk – Salary and Expenses for December/January – £258.84 – Proposed Cllr Gallagher, Seconded Cllr Chew. Agreed.
• PEI Delta – supply of new padlocks for grit bins – £27.00 Proposed Cllr Bailey, Seconded Cllr Smith. Agreed.

15. Any Other Business

Some confusion over the padlocks on the grit bins, which had been cut off by LCC. New locks had since had to be purchased at a cost of £27.00. All grit bins were full.

14. Date and Time of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on 23 February 2017 at 7.15 pm at the Village Hall.

As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm.

Signed …………………………………………… Dated ………………………………………

Verena Henderson
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01995 670455