

To anyone who has not had a vaccination as yet, there will be two opportunities in Fylde next week.

A vaccination van and tents will be attending two different locations.

The first one will be on Monday 23 August 2021 at the Plough Public House, Staining. Initial set up will start at 9am with vaccinations starting at 10am until 4pm. No appointment is required and whilst it is aimed at the younger cohort of below 30, anyone can turn up for the jab. No Astra Zenica will be available however, so someone who has had one jab of AZ already will not be able to attend this for their second one.

The second event will take place on Friday 27 August at the Middle Car Park on Mill Street Kirkham. The times will be the same as at Staining.

As of Monday 23rd, anyone over 16 can now get the jabs (don’t need parental consent) and it is this younger age group that is encouraged to get it.

These vaccinations have been set up by Fylde Borough Council’s Health Protection Practitioner.