Cycling on Footpaths

Cycling on Footpaths

This problem, particularly on stretches of Mains Lane, was brought to the attention of the Parish Council approximately twelve months ago when residents complained that speeding cyclists along the footpaths were posing a danger and a serious accident was imminent. Cyclists were repeatedly going at speed along sections of Mains Lane that were not intended to be cycling lanes. The Parish Council felt that better signage was needed. Problems had been caused to pedestrians, dog walkers and also by cars reversing out of driveways. An officer from Highways England attended a monthly meeting of the Parish Council some time ago and a plan was sketched out to find a solution to this problem. However, after hearing nothing for the last few months, the matter was once again referred to Highways England.

Unfortunately, a disappointing response has now been received from Highways England in regards to this problem.  Highways England now says that after liaising with Lancashire County Council they are unable to make any further physical changes at this location without compromising accessibility for other non-motorised users, such as people with prams or those using mobility scooters or wheelchairs.  They feel that the use of bollards and an amended route along the carriageway would be likely to be ignored and have suggested referring the matter to the local police.

Needless to say the Parish Council is very disappointed by this response and is looking at other ways of solving this problem. In the meantime it is hoped that residents of Mains Lane will remain vigilant and avoid any collisions caused by these cyclists.