THE Lodge Lane layby was once again one of the main topics at our last meeting, on 17th September.
Following the police handouts to people parking there at night, signs had been erected warning that the woods were private property. But as fast as the signs went up, so they came down again. As a result Vice-Chairman Bob Gallagher has offered to construct some solid ‘Do Not Trespass’ signs which will be erected across the four main paths into the woods.
Car-park resurfacing
Bob had received the final quote for the resurfacing of the driveway to the village hall car-park and was given the go-ahead by the council to go ahead with the project.
Parish plan
CHAIRMAN Clive Barnden is getting three quotes for the printing of the Singleton Parish Plan and in October will be organising its production.
Singleton Trust village hall meeting
THREE councillors will be attending the Trust’s meeting on 21st October about the future of the village hall: Cllr Barnden will represent the parish council, Cllr Maxine Chew will be attending as a Fylde Borough councillor, and Cllr Davies-Ward will be attending as a member of the village hall committee.
Next meetings
All starting at 7.30pm: Tuesday, 13th October; Thursday, 12th November; Thursday, 10th December.