Singleton Parish Council


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Description automatically generated SINGLETON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council Held at Singleton Village Hall on 10 November 2022   Present: – Cllrs Lee (Chair), Ibbotson (Vice-Chair), Bailey and Cholmondeley and the Parish Clerk, Verena Henderson, who took the Minutes.  A member of the public also attended.   1. Apologies for Absence Cllr Clifford and Cty Cllr Singleton.   2. Police Matters   In The Know” bulletins received from the Police, one concerning drug tackling operations in Blackpool which have resulted in 103 arrests and 108 charges being made together with £300,000 worth of drugs being seized.  Another bulletin received from Garstang and Over Wyre Police related to speed concerns in local areas.  These could be reported to Lancashire Road Safety Partnership where a simple form can be completed showing exact locations where speeding needs to be investigated.  Shard Road, Lodge Lane and The Village were considered worthy of investigation and the bulletin will be forwarded to the Chair for completion.         3. Open Forum   Concern expressed about the roadworks currently affecting Windy Harbour and the fact that the coned area was causing long tailbacks along the A586.  This coned area was, however, removed during peak times.   4. Minutes of previous meeting and any Matters Arising   The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 4 October 2022, having been previously circulated and agreed, were signed as a true and correct copy by the Chairman. Matters Arising   Former Councillor Smith had agreed to have a look at the car park barrier and the welding work that was needed to it.New pads for the defibrillator had been ordered, which included infant pads.The new noticeboard had been delivered and collected by the handyman.  This will be erected by the front gate of the Village Hall.   5. Declarations of Interest – None   6. Planning Matters and Decisions   22/0661 – Delamere, 92 Mains Lane Singleton FY6 7LD – Erection of replacement dwelling – No specific observations. Application for holiday caravan site licence – Riverside Chalet Park.  Planning permission had already been granted for this under 21/0480 but the Parish Council had been asked to provide comments in respect of extra conditions, no later than 9 November.  A response was sent to Fylde BC on 8 November expressing concern about the treatment of elderly residents and also concerns about drainage, sewerage and gas storage on the site.  A response received from the Chief Planning Officer suggested that the comments were out of time for consideration.  The Chairman will discuss this further with the Chief Planning Officer. Concern expressed also about a curved wall around the site which has just been created.   Planning Decisions   Woodlands, Lodge Lane, Singleton FY6 8LT– GrantedLarkfield, Lodge Lane, Singleton FY6 8LT – Granted   7. Traffic and Highways Issues   Cllr Ibbotson had been contacted by Kier who were offering to create a new green area between the new by-pass and the main dyke. This would include ponds with public access and a wildlife reserve with restricted access.  As the land was in Fylde, it was thought a good idea to contact the Fylde BC Rangers and the Chairman would look into this as the area will need to be maintained in the future. As recorded in the last Minutes, Lancashire Highways has been granted funding from the Department for Transport’s Safer Road Fund to implement changes to improve road safety on the A588. The work includes high-definition weather resistant white line profiling and road studs which stand out with 10 times greater visibility. 35 average speed cameras will be installed from November 2022 to April 2023 and the cameras will be calibrated every year. Cllr Singleton had followed up on two reports raised about the trees between Lodge Lane and Singleton Lodge which required urgent pruning.  These trees were forcing the grass-cutter to go into the road when cutting the grass.    LCC has started a 6-week public engagement exercise that will run until 27 November on their intention to apply for new powers to enforce moving traffic contraventions. Details of these can be found on their website under Enforcing Moving Traffic Offences Consultation.   8. New By-Pass   Cllr Bailey reported that the last month had been absolutely horrendous with constant noise caused by the piling work and the dust.  This has been bad for six months now and complaints about vibrations inside houses have come from as far away as near to Singleton Crossroads Garage.  The dust is also having a detrimental effect on health with at least one person receiving treatment for breathing problems. 9. Correspondence   LCC’s Winter briefing notes have started again with information about how they will treat the roads during the winter.  Whenever these notes include information about Singleton area the Clerk will advise accordingly.Parish Play Charges 2023/24.  Details received that the cost of Playground Maintenance, which is deducted at source from the Parish Precept, will rise by £459.90 to £4,198.91 in the next financial year.  This will need to be considered when deciding on the Precept for next year.   10. Update from Fylde Borough Council   The next District Parish Liaison meeting will take place on Monday 23 January 2023 at 6.30 pm. At the Town Hall, St. Annes, with availability to access remotely via Teams if required.  Minutes of the meeting held on 26 September 2022 are now on file.   The Chairman reported that a pay rise for staff had been agreed at Fylde BC and that as it had been previously agreed that the Clerk’s pay be linked to the scales at Fylde BC, this would mean a pay rise of £1 per hour for the Clerk.  This was proposed to be accepted by Cllr Lee, seconded by Cllr Cholmondeley and Agreed.  This would be payable from the next meeting.   11.   Planting tubs update   A lot of praise for the newly planted tubs that had appeared all over the parish.  The handyman had replaced 12 of the old oak tubs with 12 new plastic ones and treated the 12 remaining older tubs with wood preserver to freshen them up.  All the tubs had been planted out and were looking good. These tubs would be paid from money from the Community Fund, and it was suggested that another 12 or 14 plastic tubs be purchased to replace the existing wooden ones when they are past their best. The handyman had also repaired the sign at the entrance to the children’s play area and was currently sorting out the new noticeboard for the Village Hall.   12.   Remembrance Wreath   This had been purchased by the Chairman and he would be attending the Remembrance Service at Singleton Church on Sunday 13th November on behalf of the Parish Council.   13. Accounts and any Invoices to pay   Rent for use of Village Hall from April – October – £148.00. Proposed Cllr Bailey, Seconded Cllr Lee. Agreed.Noticeboard – £820.80 – Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Ibbotson. Agreed.Curry’s – New Laptop for Clerk – £479.00. Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Bailey. Agreed.Computer Solutions – Retrieving files from old laptop and setting up new laptop – £60.00.  Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Ibbotson. Agreed.New Pads for Defibrillator (Adults and Children) – £136.80 and £106.74. Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Cholmondeley. Agreed.Litter-picker 5 weeks – £492.20.  Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Ibbotson. Agreed.  It was also agreed to pay the Litter-picker a retainer of £300 by the 10th of every month and pay the difference of his monthly invoice at the following Parish Council meeting.Handyman – Purchase of new barrels – £437.88. Repair of sign at Miller Park – £225. Planting out 24 tubs and treating older tubs £756.00.  Total invoice £1,418.88.  Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Bailey.Clerk – Salary and Expenses for September/October – £387.44.  Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Cholmondeley.  Agreed.   14. Any Other Business   Wish List.  This would be a regular item on the agenda.  The main aim for the time being was the creation of a village green.  Christmas Card.  A retro postcard of the parish was considered, and this would be pursued by Cllr Ibbotson.Potential Community Payback projects. Items required for assessment by Fylde BC.  The Clerk will put forward the footpaths on the A585 and A588.The 2023 Boundary Review – Commission has taken into consideration over 45,000 comments sent in by the public during the previous two stages of public consultation and made many changes.  A third and final consultation on the new map of revised constituency proposals is open until 5 December.  The public is invited to view land comment on the new map at   15. Date and Time of Next Meeting – Tuesday 13 December 2022 at 7.15pm.   As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 8.30pm.  

Signed ………………………………………………  Dated ………………………………

Verena Henderson, Clerk to Singleton Parish Council,

Tel: 01995 670455: email: