Singleton Parish Council

Minutes from monthly meeting held on 25 August 2020

Singleton Parish Council               

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Village Hall, Singleton

on Tuesday 25 August 2020 at 7.15 pm

Present: – Cllrs Gallagher (Chair), Bailey (Vice Chair), Cholmondeley, Ibbotson and Lee, and the Parish Clerk, Verena Henderson, who took the Minutes. Sean Powell of Highways England also attended.

1. Apologies for Absence – None  
2. Traffic and Highway issues:-   Cycling on Footpaths   Sean Powell of Highways England had offered to come to tonight’s meeting to discuss the growing problem of cyclists travelling along the footpaths on Mains Lane. The Parish Council had received many complaints of dangers to pedestrians, dog walkers and cars exiting their driveways caused by cyclists travelling along the footpath at speed, Mr Powell met with Cllr Ibbotson and witnessed between 30 and 40 cyclists cycling passing them on the footpath during the time of their meeting.  The majority of these cyclists were from a cycling club which had met up at the River Wyre hotel.   It seems that a lot of these cyclists cut the corner at the Shard Road traffic lights and go along the footpath and on to Shard Road.  Mr Powell suggested that a dropped kerb be put just before the bollards and the cyclists be steered towards taking this corner on the inside of the road rather than the footpath.  However whilst Highways England were responsible for the A585 Mains Lane, Lancashire County Council were responsible for Shard Road and it would need to have joint agreement between the two for this to happen.  Mr Powell also thought it would be helpful if the Police could have a word with the cyclists. Cllr Gallagher told the meeting that he had witnessed cyclists starting off from Pool Foot Lane on the footpath and travelling the entire length of Mains Lane, so this alteration to the Shard Road junction would not remedy the whole situation.  It was generally thought that better signage was needed to deter cyclists from using parts of Mains Lane footpaths that were not designated cycling lanes.   Mr Powell offered to help to pass on any queries regarding Highways England matters and he would look into finding solutions to this problem.  Mr Powell was thanked for his attendance and left the meeting.  The Clerk will forward copies of the Minutes to him.   Potholes, drainage problems and problems with road markings   The Clerk had passed on several complaints about potholes, flooding issues and faint road markings on to Lancashire County Council and also regarding blocked drains to Fylde Borough Council.  Fylde BC had said that they would have a look at the blocked drains this week and report back.  The Clerk also sent a copy of the complaints to County Councillor Paul Hayhurst who had responded saying that he had requested the work to be undertaken but this is a widespread problem throughout the rural areas and is not deemed a priority issue with so many other demands being made on a cash- strapped County Council.   20mph limit in Singleton   Cty Cllr Paul Hayhurst advised that County Highways is looking at the 20mph limit in Singleton Village, which is normal practice after a period of time.  Unfortunately the Police are objecting to this limit and he feels the Parish Council will need to demonstrate that the 20mph limit has reduced speeds through the village.  The Parish Council now has the new SpID machines which record the necessary data, which should come in handy.  The Clerk will contact Cty Cllr Hayhurst to see what information they are looking for.  
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting and any Matters Arising   The Minutes of the meeting held on 21 July 2020, having been previously circulated and agreed, were formally signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman.   Matters arising   The Dog Warden had been very helpful and had provided several signs for the village against dog fouling.Problems with a drainage problem on the A585 Mains Lane were being dealt with by Highways England and a contractor is proposing to be on site on the 1st and 2nd September.Highways England is not quite ready for the Parish Council to visit the site of the new bypass but is still happy for the visit to take place in the future.  
4. Open Forum – None  
5. Declaration of Interests – None  
6. Planning Matters and Decisions   20/0542 Riverside Chalet Park, Occupation Lane, FY6 7RA – Redevelopment of site to a holiday caravan park …This site is currently a residential site for older people.  If this is turned into a holiday site there will be a lot more coming and going on Occupation Lane and onto Mains Lane.  The increased traffic will probably have to come through Singleton village once the by-pass is opened. The Parish Council will object on these grounds and also on the extra burden put on already over-stretched local resources such as health centres, which this Parish Council has previously raised with planners.  
7. Police Matters   There will be no Police presence at Parish Council meetings during Covid-19.   The crime figures for July were forwarded and show 8 cases of Anti-Social Behaviour (6 civil disputes – 1 case of fly-tipping and 1 of off road bikes), and 2 cases of theft (1 of driving off from petrol station and 1 theft of mail).   Possible drug related activity had been reported to the PCSO and then referred to a DCI at Blackpool CID for advice.  
8. Proposed new By-Pass   Mr Whitelaw of Kier Highways had telephoned. Kier have offered to do a presentation on the findings of the Oxford Archaeology Scheme to the Parish Council.  The Clerk would contact Gaynor Wainwright to arrange this.   Details of the new man in charge of Kier were noted.  Concern also expressed at the news that Lodge Lane would be closed for a period when they start the work at Barnfield Manor.  
9.   Correspondence   Information received that the Partial Review of the Fylde Local Plan to 2032 has been published for consultation to 3 September 2020.  Information of this can be found on Fylde Borough Council’s website.   Information also received that grants are available to local voluntary and community organisations which support vulnerable people impacted by the Covid crisis. This has been passed on.  
10.   Looking at community funding opportunities   The Clerk had emailed an address twice regarding community funding from Highways England but had heard nothing.  She would try and get help from the former contact at Highways England.    Fylde BC can offer financial grants for major projects and have recently offered such a grant to Elswick Parish Council.  If the Parish Council could find match-funding, this would certainly help.  
11.   Children’s Playground   Following assurances from Fylde Borough Council, the playground re-opened after a thorough cleaning.  A comprehensive cleaning regime by Fylde BC will take place three times a week and a sign had been put up asking parents to use hand sanitiser and fully supervise children at play.  Cllr Gallagher had met with the representative at Fylde regarding some repairs needed and work would begin on these once the children are back at school.    It was generally thought however, that the playground looks a mess at the moment.  Apparently there has been a problem with dog mess and the grass is looking very untidy.  Also the artificial grass under the benches has deteriorated and is in need of replacement.  This does not come under Fylde BC’s remit and we would need to replace it ourselves.  Cllr Gallagher will look into possibly finding a sponsor for this.  
12. Internal Audit, Official Audit and Period for Public Inspection of Accounts   The Clerk advised the meeting that the internal audit had successfully taken place in July and that all the necessary paperwork had been sent and received by the Official Auditors.  The period for public inspection of accounts had been advertised on all the noticeboards and on the website and would be from 3 August – 14 September 2020.   The Parish Council expressed its thanks to Ray Cottam for once again carrying out the internal audit.  
13. Accounts and Invoices to Pay   S Butcher – Litter picking – Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Bailey. Agreed.Clerk, Salary and Expenses for July/August – £275.89.  Proposed Cllr Lee, Seconded Cllr Bailey. Agreed.Gt. Eccleston Cricket Club – Donation in thanks for Internal Audit carried out by Mr R Cottam – £50.  Proposed Cllr Gallagher, Seconded Cllr Lee. Agreed.PEI Delta – Installing 6 no. replacement controlled flood lights to car park – £462.00.  Proposed Cllr Bailey, Seconded Cllr Lee. Agreed.  
14. Any Other Business   Cllr Ibbotson has nearly finished the latest newsletter. She will send it round for checking.  She will add the concern about dog fouling in the children’s playground.There was a Ranger walk through Singleton 3 weeks ago – this was the one cancelled at the height of the Coronavirus Pandemic.  It had been advertised in the Blackpool Gazette and Cllr Ibbotson attended along with 9 other people.The data protection issue recently raised is still on-going.A new battery and new pads are needed for the defibrillator.  The Clerk will order these.Complaints have been received about a puppy farm on Mains Lane.  Fylde BC Environmental Health is investigating.Broadband reception on Mains Lane is very poor.  We will ask Mark Menzies MP and Openreach for help.A new authority for Lancashire is almost certain with Blackpool, Fylde, Wyre and Lancaster being joined together with possibly Ribble Valley as well. Once this is in place more decisions will be delegated down to parish and town councils.  
15 Date and Time of next meeting and Annual Parish Meeting.   The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Tuesday 29 September at 7.00pm with the monthly meeting following on at 7.30pm.   As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 8.55pm.  

Signed …………………………………………… Dated ………………………………………

Verena Henderson

Clerk to the Parish Council

Tel: 01995 670455